Seeds and Skeletons
So my creative non-fiction piece Walking in Fiction recently got published in Seeds and Skeletons the UTS Anthology for 2016. The University of Technology, Sydney.
On the one hand, it’s not a big thing – one article among twenty-five. On the other hand, it’s in a very cool publication, and it puts me forward a step in the direction I want to go. And there’s something very rewarding about seeing your words on paper, old school. I like my website and everything and I’m proud of my online publications, but a real, printed-and-bound, paper book? Hell, yeah!
Anyway, I got my copy last week and haven’t finished all the stories yet, but knowing some of the writers from class gives me a bit of an inside track. The standard is so high, it’s hard to pick out a few to recommend, but if you twisted my arm I’d suggest the stories by Echo Qin Hi, Rosie Croft, Jack Batchen and Harry Goddard.
Seeds and Skeletons was launched last week at the Sydney Writer’s Festival. I went for a couple of days this year, and had a very interesting time, and I’d say that even if it hadn’t been for the drink voucher the UTS people gave me. I particularly enjoyed a talk by Paul Murray, an Irish comic novelist whose attempt at an Australian accent did not go down well. On a less pleasant note, an interesting speech by Prof. Robert Manne on ISIS was marred by some anti-semitic idiot screaming about one world governments. It wasn’t fun.